Training Show

Combat Ready Fire Podcast

CombatReady1 (1)


Firefighting Tips & Workflows for the Truck/Wagon Driver Driver

Nick Martin, BC Frank Malta (Frederick County) and Capt. Sean Donovan (Frederick County) talk about the technician, chauffeur, wagon or truck driver – whatever you call it – this position is one of the most important assignments on any company and...

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Building a Combat Ready Engine Company

What makes an engine company Combat Ready?

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IC vs SOG Driven Firegrounds - Challenges and Tips

Nick Martin, Frank Malta, Kevin Burges, and Sean Donovan discuss the two primary fireground command models: Incident Command Driven vs. Predetermined...

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Real Fireground Accountability - Avoidable Missteps When Tracking Firefighters & Companies

Nick Martin, Floyd Wise, and Kevin Burges discuss common missteps and misunderstandings about organizing the fireground and accounting for our...

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Building Motivated Firefighters from the Ground Up - Tips & Concepts from the FCFR Recruit School πŸ”₯

We talk about the mindsets, concepts, and practices behind this training academy and the high-quality firefighters that it produces

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Search Rope Operations - Firefighter Workflows & Lessons Learned from the Fireground

When should you deploy a SEARCH ROPE? What is it used for? What are the best techniques for utilizing it? πŸͺ’πŸ§πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸš’

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The Aggressive Truck Company - Building Culture from the Bottom Up

How do you build a #CombatReady culture in your company/department? πŸ€”πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸš’

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The "Firefighter's Chief" and Why Good Command Matters at Every Fire

On this podcast we’ll dive into why good command matters on EVERY fire. The thing is, not everyone understands this. Some people tend to think that...

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Featured Guest - Creating an Always Ready Training Regimen & Mentality

Join us as featured guests on The FireDawg Podcast – Episode 42 to talk about creating an β€œAlways Ready” training regimen and mentality.

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